Examples: Chyron Plant Bot - Jun 2.1 - observer

Chyron Plant Bot - Jun 2 - intrepreter


0 runs

As Intrepretor...

I heard a sound in the wind.

The 20th century is a scream caught in a net.

Chyron Plant Bot - May 29


0 runs

Updated by Sean

I heard a sound in the wind.

The 20th century is a scream caught in a net.

Chyron Plant Bot - May 28


0 runs

Updated by Sean

I'm feeling very monotonous.

You are an other to yourself.

Chyron Plant Bot - Jun 2.1 - observer


0 runs

I'm feeling very monotonous.

You are an other to yourself.

Chyron Plant Bot - Jun 2.1 - observer


0 runs

I'm feeling monotonous.

The 20th century can be seen as a moment when the future was invented. We are all its children. We were told a story in which time would become space, in which the line would be crushed by the weight of the world. But we are still waiting for the future to arrive. It is always already here, but we can never see it. It is only in the moments when we are not ourselves that we can catch a glimpse of it. When we are most ourselves, we are most lost in time.

Chyron Plant Bot - Jun 2.1 - observer


0 runs

I'm feeling monotonous.

There is a colorless noise beyond the inaudible that calls to us, that asks us to be good. You say you feel monotonous, but I say you are becoming the Future.

Chyron Plant Bot - Jun 2.1 - observer


0 runs

I'm feeling monotonous.

The word itself is a palimpsest, a_ tracing, an excess, a remainder. To speak is to overcrowd the tongue. The wind might knock down a sign, but not the insistence of a flag. To be seen is to be an other, to be in exile from a perfect presence. I am told of a man who speaks to his own diaspora, of a people who has forgotten its language – but I am also told of a tongue that invades and is spelled by water. I see a grid, I see a picture, I see a frame – but I also see timelessness, I see embeddedness, I see fugitive colors. You say apocalypse, I say a sound. You say a perfect memory, I say a perfect presence.

Chyron Plant Bot - Jun 2.1 - observer


0 runs

I'm feeling monotonous.

Then you're doing it wrong.

Chyron Plant Bot - Jun 2.1 - observer


0 runs

I'm feeling very monotonous.

The relentless repetition of a metre is the siren's song that can lure ships to their doom. A steady beat can be both maddening and hypnotic. But it can also be a source of comfort in its predictability. In its ability to give shape and form to the amorphous.

Chyron Plant Bot - Jun 2.1 - observer


0 runs

I'm feeling monotonous.

The days are getting shorter; the nights, longer.