Kaustubh Maske Patil


Programmer @ Gooey.AI
2.76K runs
105 contributions since Sep 2023
Copilot (61), Animation (10), Image Generator (9)


Neovim Hax


1.07K runs

Guide to help with Neovim use


How to select text inside brackets?


To select text inside brackets in Vim or Neovim, you can use the vi( command.

Here's how it works:

  • v: Enter Visual mode to start selecting text.
  • i: Stands for "inner", which is used to specify the text object.
  • (: This specifies the type of text object to select, in this case, everything inside the parentheses. Similarly, you can use { for curly braces or [ for square brackets.

For example, if your cursor is inside the brackets of a text like (example text), using vi( will select example text without the parentheses.

QR Code

Stallbot QR Code - Lock Screen


17 runs




Image Generator

A man and camel against the Eclipse


0 runs

Inspired from https://twitter.com/AMAZlNGNATURE/status/1785716068016587057

Perfectly Timed Photo Frames a Solar Eclipse Around a Man Leading a Camel in the Desert, 

DALL·E 3 (OpenAI)

DALL·E 3 (OpenAI)


Lipsync + Voice

I eat, drink, and shit code


5 runs

Maker credits: Dev

Output Video



Absurdist Bot


16 runs

Create customized chatbots from your own docs/PDF/webpages. Craft your own bot prompts using the creative GPT3, fast GPT 3.5-turbo or powerful GPT4 & optionally prevent hallucinations by constraining all answers to just your citations. Available as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp bots or via API. Add multi-lingual speech recognition and text-to-speech in 100+ languages and even video responses. Collect 👍🏾 👎🏽 feedback + see usage & retention graphs too! This is the workflow that powers https://Farmer.CHAT and it's yours to tweak.


What does it mean that the absurd only has meaning in so far that it is not agreed to?


The statement that "the absurd has meaning only in so far as it is not agreed to" suggests that the moment one accepts the absurd, or consents to it, it loses its defining characteristic of being a struggle or a confrontation dhspriory.org/kenny/PhilTexts/Camus/Myth%20of%20Sisyphus-.pdf, page 22 . The essence of the absurd lies in the tension between the human desire for understanding and the silent, indifferent world. If one were to agree to the absurd, to accept it passively, then one would no longer be engaged in the struggle that defines the absurd condition. The recognition of the absurd must come with a refusal to capitulate to it, a continual rejection, and a conscious dissatisfaction. This is what preserves the nature of the absurd and gives it its meaning dhspriory.org/kenny/PhilTexts/Camus/Myth%20of%20Sisyphus-.pdf, page 22 .

Face Editor

Blue Magician (Copy)


1 runs

Upload & extract a face into an AI-generated photo using your text + the latest Stable Diffusion or DallE image generator.

Input Image

Input Image


magician with a blue and white outfit, magician's hat, showing off hands, flexing playing card, kaito kid, anime, ghibli, studio

Generated Image

Generated Image
Face Editor

Blue Magician


3 runs

Upload & extract a face into an AI-generated photo using your text + the latest Stable Diffusion or DallE image generator.

Input Image

Input Image


magician with a blue and white outfit, magician's hat, showing off hands, flexing playing card, kaito kid, anime, ghibli, studio

Generated Image

Generated Image
Face Editor

Yellow Magician


0 runs

Upload & extract a face into an AI-generated photo using your text + the latest Stable Diffusion or DallE image generator.

Input Image

Input Image


magician with a yellow and white outfit, magician's hat, flexing playing card, anime, ghibli, studio

Generated Image

Generated Image

Type Theory RAG Bot


18 runs

RAG Bot for studying type theory - with some papers added for reference.
For now these are some arxiv papers I found from references in a paper I wanted to study, + the hott.github.io book.


How do groupoids apply to computer science?


Groupoids and their generalizations, such as higher groupoids or ∞-groupoids, are fundamental to the field of Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT), which has significant applications in computer science, particularly in the areas of programming languages and formal verification.

One of the key ideas in HoTT is that types in a programming language can be considered as spaces (or ∞-groupoids), and that the equality between two elements of a type can be seen as a path in this space. This leads to a very rich and flexible notion of equality, which can be used to reason about programs in a very expressive way.

For instance, consider a type A and two elements x and y of A. In HoTT, we can form the identity type x = A y, which represents the proposition that x and y are equal. Elements of this identity type can be thought of as evidence for the equality of x and y, or as paths from x to y in the space A hott.github.io/book/hott-online-13-g2e736d1.pdf, page 59.

Furthermore, we can iterate this process, forming identity types between identity types. For example, if p and q are two elements of the identity type x = A y (i.e., two paths from x to y), then we can form the identity type p = (x = A y) q, which represents the proposition that p and q are equal. Elements of this identity type can be thought of as homotopies between the paths p and q hott.github.io/book/hott-online-13-g2e736d1.pdf, page 72.

This structure corresponds precisely to that of an ∞-groupoid. Just like a groupoid has objects and morphisms (with every morphism being invertible), an ∞-groupoid has objects (the elements of a type), 1-morphisms (the elements of an identity type), 2-morphisms (the elements of an identity type between identity types), and so on hott.github.io/book/hott-online-13-g2e736d1.pdf, page 72.

In computer science, this perspective allows us to reason about equality in a very flexible way. For example, it enables us to prove properties of programs up to homotopy, rather than just up to strict equality. This is particularly useful in the context of formal verification, where we often want to prove that two programs are "equivalent" in some sense, even if they are not strictly identical.

Moreover, many constructions in type theory correspond to well-known constructions in homotopy theory and higher category theory. For instance, the product of two types corresponds to the product of two spaces, and the function type from one type to another corresponds to the space of continuous maps from one space to another hott.github.io/book/hott-online-13-g2e736d1.pdf, page 91. This correspondence provides a deep connection between computer science and mathematics, opening up new possibilities for cross-fertilization between these fields.