Examples: SmartGPT


What would be a good way to store numpy arrays in redis?


18 runs

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Inspired by this video from AI Explained - GPT 4 is Smarter than You Think: Introducing SmartGPT


What would be a good way to store numpy arrays in redis?

Step 1: Find the Best Answer
To find which answer the researcher thought was best, we need to evaluate the feedback provided for each answer. The first answer seems to have the least number of issues and requires fewer improvements compared to the other two. Therefore, we can conclude that the researcher thought the first answer was the best.

Step 2: Improve the Answer
Based on the feedback, we can improve the first answer in the following ways:

More emphasis on security concerns with pickle.
- Address performance implications.
- Add error handling.
- Clarify Redis connection details.
- Mention alternatives to the Python Redis library.
- Discuss using binary-safe strings in Redis.
- Add a brief explanation about Redis.

Step 3: Print the Improved Answer
Here is the improved version of the first answer:

Step 1: Serialize the NumPy Array
First, we need to convert the NumPy array into a format that can be stored in Redis. This process is known as "serialization". A common way to achieve this is by using the built-in "pickle" module in Python.

import numpy as np
import pickle

# Create a numpy array
np_array = np.array()

# Serialize the array
serialized_array = pickle.dumps(np_array)

Be aware that using pickle has some security implications, as it can execute arbitrary code during deserialization. If you are storing and retrieving data in a controlled environment, this should not be a concern. However, if you are exchanging data between untrusted parties, you should use a more secure method of serialization.

Step 2: Store the Serialized Array in Redis
Now we can store the serialized array in Redis. Redis is a fast, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, or message broker.

import redis

# Create a connection to the Redis server
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

# Try to store the serialized array in Redis and handle any potential error
r.set('my_array', serialized_array)
except redis.RedisError:
print("Error while storing data in Redis.")

Remember to replace 'localhost' and '6379' with the actual details of your Redis server.

Step 3: Retrieve and Deserialize the Array
When you want to retrieve the array, you will need to fetch the serialized data from Redis and then "deserialize" it back into a numpy


SmartGPT: Can I bike over a bridge suspended over broken glass?


15 runs

Woo hoo: GPT isn't always as dumb as Yejin Choi says: https://www.ted.com/talks/yejin_choi_why_ai_is_incredibly_smart_and_shockingly_stupid/c

This workflow use GPT4 to its fullest potential with Reflexion, Researcher & Resolver Agents

Combines CoT, Reflexion & DERA into a Pipeline.

Inspired by this video from AI Explained - GPT 4 is Smarter than You Think: Introducing SmartGPT


Would I get a flat tire by bicycling over a bridge that is suspended over nails, screws, and broken glass?

Step 1: Identify the best answer option
- Out of the three answer options provided by the researcher, Answer 1 seems to be the most comprehensive and thorough in its analysis, although it still has some flaws and faulty logic.

Step 2: Improve the chosen answer option
- Address the flaws and faulty logic identified by the researcher
- Incorporate additional considerations, such as the type of bicycle tires and the cyclist's ability to avoid hazards

Improved Answer:
1. Bicycling over sharp objects like nails, screws, and broken glass can potentially cause a flat tire, as these objects can puncture the tire and cause it to lose air pressure.

2. The bridge is suspended over these sharp objects, meaning that they are not directly on the surface of the bridge itself. However, the condition of the bridge should be considered, as a damaged or poorly maintained bridge with gaps or openings could expose the cyclist to the sharp objects below.

3. External factors, such as strong winds, vibrations from vehicles or other cyclists, or sharp objects being carried onto the bridge by pedestrians or other vehicles, could potentially dislodge the sharp objects and cause them to come into contact with the tires, increasing the risk of a flat tire.

4. The type of bicycle tires being used could also affect the likelihood of getting a flat tire. Some tires are more resistant to punctures than others, which could significantly impact the risk of getting a flat tire when cycling over a bridge suspended over sharp objects.

5. The cyclist's speed and ability to avoid hazards on the bridge surface will also influence the probability of getting a flat tire. A cautious and attentive cyclist may be more likely to avoid potential hazards and lessen the risk of a flat tire.

In conclusion, as long as the sharp objects are only below the bridge and do not come into direct contact with your bike tires, and you take into account the condition of the bridge, external factors, the type of bicycle tires being used, and your ability to avoid hazards, you should be able to minimize the risk of getting a flat tire by bicycling over a bridge suspended over nails, screws, and broken glass.

Step 3: Print the improved answer in full
- The improved answer is now provided above, addressing the identified flaws and incorporating additional considerations to provide a more accurate and nuanced assessment of the risk of getting a flat tire while bicycling over a suspended bridge over sharp objects.


SmartGPT: Build yourself a neighborhood solar system.


8 runs

Use ChatGPT to its fullest potential with Reflexion, Researcher & Resolver Agents

Combines CoT, Reflexion & DERA into a Pipeline.

Inspired by this video from AI Explained - GPT 4 is Smarter than You Think: Introducing SmartGPT


I want to build a neighborhood art installation where I paint a sun that's 1 meter wide on my fence and then proportionally draw the other planets around my neighborhood. My question is what diameter and at what distance from my house should I draw the other planets?

1. The researcher provided the most feedback for Answer 3, indicating that they believe it to be the best of the three options.

2. To improve Answer 3, we will address the flaws and suggestions mentioned by the researcher:

Express the scale as a ratio, like 1:1,391,000,000.
- Use millimeters or centimeters for better clarity of planet diameters.
- Calculate the distances from the sun to each planet and provide guidance on displaying the planets in the neighborhood.
- Consider the layout of the neighborhood, including space constraints and permission from neighbors.
- Provide suggestions for materials or techniques to create the planets.

3. Improved Answer:

First, let's establish the scale of your art installation. You mentioned that you want to paint the sun with a diameter of 1 meter. The actual diameter of the sun is approximately 1,391,000 kilometers. So, the scale of your installation would be 1:1,391,000,000.

Now, we will use this scale to determine the diameter and distance of each planet in your neighborhood art installation. The actual diameter and distance from the sun of the planets are as follows:

(Note: Diameters are rounded to one decimal place for clarity)

Diameter: 3.5 mm (0.0035 m)
Distance from the sun: 41.6 m

Diameter: 8.7 mm (0.0087 m)
Distance from the sun: 77.7 m

Diameter: 9.2 mm (0.0092 m)
Distance from the sun: 107.5 m

Diameter: 4.9 mm (0.0049 m)
Distance from the sun: 163.7 m

Diameter: 10.1 cm (0.1005 m)
Distance from the sun: 560.2 m

Diameter: 8.4 cm (0.0837 m)
Distance from the sun: 1,023.9 m

Diameter: 3.7 cm (0.0365 m)
Distance from the sun: 2,063.2 m

Diameter: 3.5 cm (0.0354 m)
Distance from the sun: 3,234.1 m

Consider the layout of your neighborhood and the available space when placing the


SmartGPT: How to measure 6 liters with a jug


8 runs

A very complicated but correct answer to a simple question (that ChatGPT fails at in this video: https://www.ted.com/talks/yejin_choi_why_ai_is_incredibly_smart_and_shockingly_stupid/c)

Use ChatGPT to its fullest potential with Reflexion, Researcher & Resolver Agents

Combines CoT, Reflexion & DERA into a Pipeline.

Inspired by this video from AI Explained - GPT 4 is Smarter than You Think: Introducing SmartGPT


I have a 12 liter jug and a 6 liter jug. I want to measure 6 liters. How do I do it?

1) Based on the researcher's evaluation, Answer 2 was considered the best option as it is the most efficient method with fewer steps.

2) To improve Answer 2, we can provide more clarity and detail in the steps.

3) Here is the improved answer in full:

Step 1: Fill the 12-liter jug completely with water. Now, the 12-liter jug has 12 liters of water in it.

Step 2: Pour the water from the 12-liter jug into the 6-liter jug until the 6-liter jug is full. To do this, carefully pour the water from the larger jug into the smaller one, ensuring the 6-liter jug is filled to capacity.

Step 3: After completing this process, you will have 6 liters of water remaining in the 12-liter jug, as the rest of the water (6 liters) is now in the 6-liter jug. This leaves you with the desired 6 liters of water in the 12-liter jug.

This improved answer provides clear and detailed steps for measuring 6 liters of water using a 12-liter jug and a 6-liter jug.