A dairy milk in In a Christmas background with holiday …


Run cost = 5 credits

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A dairy milk in In a Christmas background with holiday elements, candy cane, holly, mistletoe, snowflake shapes, insanely detailed and intricate, hypermaximalist, elegant, ornate, hyper realistic, super detailed, no text, no watermark

A dairy milk in In a Christmas background with holiday elements, candy cane, holly, mistletoe, snowflake shapes, insanely detailed and intricate, hypermaximalist, elegant, ornate, hyper realistic, super detailed, no text, no watermark


with seed 42 on 


How to Use This Recipe

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AI Background Changer

Use Dichotomous Image Segmentation to remove unwanted backgrounds from your images and correct perspective. Awesome when used with other Gooey.AI steps.

Render Image Search Results with AI

Enter a Google Image Search query + your Img2Img text prompt describing how to alter the result to create a unique, relevant ai generated images for any search query.

Compare AI Image Generators

Create multiple AI photos from one prompt using Stable Diffusion (1.5 -> 2.1, Open/Midjourney), DallE, and other models. Find out which AI Image generator works best for your text prompt on comparing OpenAI, Stability.AI etc.

Edit An Image with AI prompt

Add an image and a prompt and this workflow will alter the image using your text & the latest InstructPix2Pix or Stable Difussion Img2Img AI model.