Examples: QR Code


Gates discovery center


12 runs

Generate AI-empowered artistic QR codes tailored to your style for impactful marketing, branding & more with Gooey.AI. Add your URL and image prompt, we'll create in an AI QR code in under 30 seconds. Check out Examples for rad QR code ideas too.

To know more, head to our AI QR CODE HELP GUIDE!


https://gooey.ai/2/LOAZhttps://www.gatescenter.org (Views: 18)

Gooey AI artist card - Sam Lavigne


703 runs

Create interactive and engaging QR codes with stunning visuals that are amazing for marketing, branding, and more. Combining AI Art and QR Codes has never been easier! Enter your URL and image prompt, and in just 30 seconds, we'll generate an artistic QR code tailored to your style.


https://gooey.ai/2/XMmDhttps://gooey.ai/google-gpt/?run_id=znsnyjni&uid=dr49mhTZbcNgRXdmfGrGG30kUz52 (Views: 473)

QR Monster v2


1.96K runs


https://gooey.ai/2/loVbhttps://gooey.ai/qr (Views: 660)

UPI QR Code Generator


4.83K runs

Collect online payments with style. Enter your UPI merchant ID in the URL, and we'll generate a beautiful AI QR Code that you can print out and amaze your customers!



AI QR Code Generator for Contact Card or VCard


1.3K runs

Make an amazing wallpaper for your phone with your vcard contact details! Enter your info and an image prompt and we'll generate a beautiful QR code. Here's what it looks like on the phone: https://youtube.com/shorts/G5yBjzjxrPY?feature=share


https://gooey.ai/2/AMyL → Steve Jobs (Views: 678)

AI QR Code VCard with your Photo


549 runs

Make a special vCard as your phone's wallpaper. Use your photo to generate AI QR Code on Gooey. People can scan and get all your contact deets with ease.


https://gooey.ai/2/9N6D → Archana Prasad (Views: 476)

Restaurant QR Code to Google Maps


815 runs

In this example, we've created an arty AI QR Code of a Banh Mi sandwich to connect it to our favorite Seattle sandwich ship, Toast Mi! Swap out the prompt, the food imagery and the link to your own google maps link to make your own QR and post it at your shop!


https://gooey.ai/2/vXdmhttps://maps.app.goo.gl/kzX4EsQmQwmJnRCa9?g_st=ic (Views: 361)

Lotus Flowers as QR Codes


925 runs

Create interactive and engaging QR codes with stunning visuals that are amazing for marketing, branding, and more. Combining AI Art and QR Codes has never been easier!
Enter your URL and image prompt, and in just 30 seconds, we'll generate an artistic QR code tailored to your style.


https://gooey.ai/2/0OmZhttps://wa.me/+12392121761?text=Hi (Views: 520)

Cabins in Cherry Woods as QR Codes


123 runs

Create interactive and engaging QR codes with stunning visuals that are amazing for marketing, branding, and more. Combining AI Art and QR Codes has never been easier!
Enter your URL and image prompt, and in just 30 seconds, we'll generate an artistic QR code tailored to your style.


https://gooey.ai/2/RlGVhttps://wa.me/+12392121761?text=Hi (Views: 465)

Cats as QR Codes


470 runs

Here we provide a reference image of the cute cat & a matching image generation prompt (plus a URL of course), to create a QR code that closely mirrors the reference image. This technique of having a reference image + matching prompt works well to create scannable and beautiful QR Code.

To know more, head to our AI QR CODE HELP GUIDE!


https://gooey.ai/2/dz9Zhttps://gooey.ai/qr-code (Views: 2178)

AI QR Code for Shop Reviews


123 runs

Get rave reviews from your customers. Generate a custom, personalize QR Code that takes your customers directly to your reviews page. Our AI QR Code Generator will make it fun and easy for your customers to give your their reviews.


https://gooey.ai/2/PlLKhttps://g.page/r/CYqOGUaJJKI0EBE/review (Views: 592)

WiFi AI Art QR Code


1.53K runs

Add your Wifi network name (SSID), password and AI image prompt to create a beautiful AI generated QR code that lets anyone logon to your network when scanned.

Just replace MyWifiNetwork and p@ssword below with the name & password of your own Wifi network.

