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Transcribe mp3, WhatsApp audio, YouTube videos + wavs with OpenAI's GPT4o Audio LLM, Whisper, Azure or AI4Bharat / Bhashini ASR models. Optionally translate to any language too.
Gooey.AI's Copilot is the best chatbot builder anywhere, combining your choice of LLMs (GPT4o, GPT4o-mini, Gemini, Claude3.5, Mixtral or LLaMA3), knowledge docs from any link or doc/PDF (with table …
Input your text, pick a voice & a Text-to-Speech AI engine to create audio. Compare the best voice generators from Bark/Suno, …
Create realistic lipsync videos with custom voices. Just upload a video or image, choose a voice from Google, OpenAI or bring your own voice from Eleven Labs to generate amazing videos with the Gooey.AI …