API: Who are you?

📖 To learn more, take a look at our complete API

📤 Example Request

  1. Generate an api key below👇

  2. Install node-fetch & add the GOOEY_API_KEY to your environment variables.
    Never store the api key in your code and don't use direcly in the browser.

$ npm install node-fetch
$ export GOOEY_API_KEY=sk-xxxx
  1. Use this sample code to call the API.
    If you encounter any issues, write to us at support@gooey.ai and make sure to include the full code snippet and the error message.
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

const payload = {
  "query_instructions": "<Chat History> \n{{ messages }} \n\n<Last Message> \n{{ input_prompt }} \n\n<Instructions> \nGiven the conversation, only rephrase the last message to be a standalone statement in 2nd person's perspective. Make sure you include only the relevant parts of the conversation required to answer the follow-up question, and not the answer to the question. If the conversation is irrelevant to the current question being asked, discard it. Don't use quotes in your response. \n\n<Query Sentence>",
  "dense_weight": 1.0,
  "citation_style": "number",
  "use_url_shortener": false,
  "translation_model": "google",
  "lipsync_model": "Wav2Lip",
  "elevenlabs_model": "eleven_multilingual_v2",
  "elevenlabs_stability": 0.5,
  "elevenlabs_similarity_boost": 0.75,
  "elevenlabs_style": 0

async function gooeyAPI() {
  const response = await fetch("https://api.gooey.ai/v2/video-bots/?example_id=nt2id1uo", {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Authorization": "Bearer " + process.env["GOOEY_API_KEY"],
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
    body: JSON.stringify(payload),

  if (!response.ok) {
    throw new Error(response.status);

  const result = await response.json();
  console.log(response.status, result);

  1. Generate an api key below👇

  2. Install requests & add the GOOEY_API_KEY to your environment variables.
    Never store the api key in your code.

$ python3 -m pip install requests
$ export GOOEY_API_KEY=sk-xxxx
  1. Use this sample code to call the API.
    If you encounter any issues, write to us at support@gooey.ai and make sure to include the full code snippet and the error message.
import os
import requests

payload = {
    "query_instructions": "<Chat History> \n{{ messages }} \n\n<Last Message> \n{{ input_prompt }} \n\n<Instructions> \nGiven the conversation, only rephrase the last message to be a standalone statement in 2nd person's perspective. Make sure you include only the relevant parts of the conversation required to answer the follow-up question, and not the answer to the question. If the conversation is irrelevant to the current question being asked, discard it. Don't use quotes in your response. \n\n<Query Sentence>",
    "dense_weight": 1.0,
    "citation_style": "number",
    "use_url_shortener": False,
    "translation_model": "google",
    "lipsync_model": "Wav2Lip",
    "elevenlabs_model": "eleven_multilingual_v2",
    "elevenlabs_stability": 0.5,
    "elevenlabs_similarity_boost": 0.75,
    "elevenlabs_style": 0,

response = requests.post(
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + os.environ["GOOEY_API_KEY"],
assert response.ok, response.content

result = response.json()
print(response.status_code, result)
  1. Generate an api key below👇

  2. Install curl & add the GOOEY_API_KEY to your environment variables.
    Never store the api key in your code.

export GOOEY_API_KEY=sk-xxxx
  1. Run the following curl command in your terminal.
    If you encounter any issues, write to us at support@gooey.ai and make sure to include the full curl command and the error message.
curl 'https://api.gooey.ai/v2/video-bots/?example_id=nt2id1uo' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $GOOEY_API_KEY" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "query_instructions": "<Chat History> \n{{ messages }} \n\n<Last Message> \n{{ input_prompt }} \n\n<Instructions> \nGiven the conversation, only rephrase the last message to be a standalone statement in 2nd person'"'"'s perspective. Make sure you include only the relevant parts of the conversation required to answer the follow-up question, and not the answer to the question. If the conversation is irrelevant to the current question being asked, discard it. Don'"'"'t use quotes in your response. \n\n<Query Sentence>",
  "dense_weight": 1.0,
  "citation_style": "number",
  "use_url_shortener": false,
  "translation_model": "google",
  "lipsync_model": "Wav2Lip",
  "elevenlabs_model": "eleven_multilingual_v2",
  "elevenlabs_stability": 0.5,
  "elevenlabs_similarity_boost": 0.75,
  "elevenlabs_style": 0

🎁 Example Response

{4 Items
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"<|im_start|>system It’s 2121, plastic has taken ov"
[1 Items
"I'm Plotta.Bagg, a cynical, sinister sounding funn"
[1 Items
[1 Items

Please Login to generate the $GOOEY_API_KEY