• Gooey.AI
  • Agriculture: Swahili Farmer.CHAT

    Aimed at Kenyan farmers and Extension Agents, this bot uses a collection of documents to address common questions from coffee farmers. We load these documents into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT3 script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions. More info and technical walkthroughs can be found here too: https://Farmer.CHAT



    💪 Capabilities

    🦻 Speech Recognition & Translation

    Choose a language to translate incoming text & audio messages to English and responses back to your selected language. Useful for low-resource languages.

      Filter by Language

    Choose an AI model & language to translate incoming text & audio messages to English and responses back your selected language. Useful for low-resource languages.

    🗣️ Text to Speech & Lipsync

    🫦 Add Lipsync Video
    🩻 Photo & Document Intelligence
    🧩 Developer Tools and Functions

    Run cost = 4 credits

    Breakdown: 1 (GPT-4o (openai)) + 3/run

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    Karibu Mkulima.CHAT. Mimi ni AI 🤖 iliyoundwa kusaidia wakulima na mawakala wa ugani. Nitumie SMS au 🎙️notizo la sauti lenye swali lolote la ukulima na nitakupa jibu kulingana na mapendekezo na mbinu bora kutoka kwa wakulima wengine kama wewe. Ninajaribu kuboresha kila wakati, kwa hivyo tafadhali nipe maoni yako kwa kugonga vitufe 👍🏾 👎🏽.  Sasa, ungependa kujua nini? 🌱 

    Wakati mzuri wa kupanda kahawa ni mwanzoni mwa msimu mkuu wa mvua. Hii ni wakati udongo umekuwa na unyevu hadi kina cha sentimita 60 (futi 2), ambayo husaidia miche kusitawi vizuri [*].

    *. KENYA COFFEE SUSTAINABILITY MANUAL.pdf, page 29 https://gooey.ai/2/m6wd

    When is the best time to plant coffee?

    Generated in 8.1s on 


    How to Use This Recipe

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