Barebones GPT-4o

Here's the simplest version of a copilot


📄 Knowledge

Add documents or links to give your copilot a knowledge base. When asked a question, we'll search them to generate an answer with citations.


💪 Capabilities


Functions give your workflow the ability run Javascript code (with webcalls!) allowing it execute logic, use common JS libraries or make external API calls before or after the workflow runs. Learn more.

⌥ Variables

Variables let you pass custom parameters to your workflow. Access a variable in your instruction prompt with Jinja, e.g. {{ my_variable }}
Learn more.

Run cost = 5 credits

Breakdown: 2 (GPT-4o (openai)) + 3/run

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Certainly! Here is the text from the image, matching the numbers on the scatter plot to the identified topics:

Leading the Change

  1. Innovation - Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing.

  2. Transparency - Product manufacturing, fabric and yarn production.

  3. Engaging Changemakers - Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.

Circular & Climate Positive
4. Recycled and other sustainably sourced materials - Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, sales, use.

  1. Animal welfare - Design, raw materials.

  2. Circular ecosystems for our products, supply chains, and customer journey - Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, sales, use.

  3. Water - Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn.

  4. Waste - Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.

  5. Packaging - Product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.

  6. Chemical management - Raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, sales.

  7. Climate positive approach for our value chain operating within planetary boundaries - Raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.

  8. Biodiversity - Raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing.

Fair & Equal
13. Fair jobs - Raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.

  1. Industrial relations - Product manufacturing, sales.

  2. Fair living wages - Product manufacturing, sales.

  3. Human rights due diligence - Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.

  4. Inclusion and diversity - Design, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.

  5. Community development - Product manufacturing, sales.

  6. Supply chain assessment - Fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing.

Standards & Policies
20. Anti-corruption - Sales, use.

  1. Responsible marketing - Sales, use.

  2. Anti-competitive behavior - Fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales.

  3. Economic performance - Sales.

  4. Market presence - Raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, sales.

Scatter Plot Analysis

The scatter plot divides topics into four quadrants based on the frequency raised by stakeholders and the significance of economic, environmental, and social impacts:

  • Top Right Quadrant: High priority for detailed reporting with measurable KPIs and external assurance.

    • Topics: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
  • Top Left Quadrant: Reported at least in narrative, measurable KPIs wherever possible.

    • Topics: 1, 2, 5
  • Bottom Right Quadrant: Reported at least in narrative, measurable KPIs wherever possible.

    • Topics: 20, 21
  • Bottom Left Quadrant: No reporting or reporting on request.

    • Topics: 22, 24

Files: image.png

Read the text from this image and match the numbers on the scatter plot

Generated in 24.6s on 


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