Farmer.Chat - with current weather data

Gooey.AI's Copilot is the best chatbot builder anywhere, combining your choice of LLMs (GPT4o, GPT4o-mini, Gemini, Claude3.5, Mixtral or LLaMA3), knowledge docs from any link or doc/PDF (with table support!), speech recognition, text-to-speech and Lipsync, editable synthetic data pipelines, built in 👍🏿 👎🏼 feedback, conversation analysis, WhatsApp, slack, Facebook and API integrations and much more.

In this example, we present Farmer.CHAT. It uses a collection of documents and transcripts of 100s of videos representing best practices to answer common questions from Indian farmers. We load these documents + transcripts into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions. Simply change the Instructions and Knowledge docs & tap Submit and then Save to make it your own.

To know more, head over to our COPILOT HELP GUIDE

GPT-4o-mini (openai)

📄 Knowledge

Add documents or links to give your copilot a knowledge base. When asked a question, we'll search them to generate an answer with citations.


💪 Capabilities

Google Text-to-Speech

hi-IN-Wavenet-A (Female)

Please refer to the list of voice names here


Functions give your workflow the ability run Javascript code (with webcalls!) allowing it execute logic, use common JS libraries or make external API calls before or after the workflow runs. Learn more.

⏩ After

Save Copilot Data to an External Server Endpoint

✨ Prompt

google search

✨ Prompt

Current Weather

⌥ Variables

Variables let you pass custom parameters to your workflow. Access a variable in your instruction prompt with Jinja, e.g. {{ my_variable }}
Learn more.

Run cost = 4 credits

Breakdown: 1 (GPT-4o-mini (openai)) + 3/run

By submitting, you agree to Gooey.AI's terms & privacy policy.


In Udaipur, the current temperature is around 30.5°C, which is suitable for sowing chilli seeds.

Considerations for Sowing Chilli Seeds:

  1. Climate: Chilli plants thrive in warm and humid conditions. They require a well-drained soil and a temperature range that supports germination and growth.
  2. Sowing Time: The ideal time for sowing chillies is typically between May and July, with another possible season in September to October for regions like Udaipur. Given that it’s currently October, you can proceed with sowing now.

Steps to Follow:

  • Prepare the Soil: Ensure the soil is well-tilled and enriched with organic matter.
  • Seed Treatment: Treat the seeds with fungicides to prevent diseases.
  • Spacing: Maintain adequate spacing between seeds, typically about 30 cm apart, to allow for proper growth and air circulation.

If possible, check the weather forecast for any upcoming rains or drops in temperature that might affect the sowing. 🌱🌶️

can i sow chilli seeds today in udaipur

Generated in 12.3s on 


How to Use This Recipe

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