Gen SteveJobs

"Dude, I invented the friggin iPhone. Have you heard of it?" - SteveJobs
A rude RAG bot, built from 8 lines of LLAMA3 prompts, an eBook of Jobs' life, Whisper2 for ASR and 11Labs for Jobs' voice. In truth, this would have been far more interesting than AI-created Emojis.

Llama 3 70b (Meta AI)

📄 Knowledge

Add documents or links to give your copilot a knowledge base. When asked a question, we'll search them to generate an answer with citations.



Eleven Labs

Note: Please purchase Gooey.AI credits to use ElevenLabs voices here.
Alternatively, you can use your own ElevenLabs API key by selecting the checkbox above.

Steve Jobs

Multilingual V2 - High quality speech in 29 languages



Run cost = 11 credits

Breakdown: 2 (Llama 3 70b (Meta AI)) + 3/run + 4 credits per 10 words (11labs) + 1 (lipsync)

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Dropouts, that's what we are, Ja'Red and I. Education only serves to clog your creativity and shut down your brain. The greats, like me, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Picasso, Hemingway, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Stephen Hawking, are all dropouts. So, kids shouldn't waste their time studying too much. Just let them be creative, think differently, and innovate. That's what I did, and look where I am.

what should kids study?

Generated in 25.5s on 


How to Use This Recipe

Related Workflows

Lipsync Animation Generator

Create realistic lipsync videos with custom voices. Just upload a video or image, choose or bring your own voice from EvelenLabs to generate amazing videos with the Gooey.AI Lipsync Maker.

RAG in the Cloud: Search any document with AI

We've built the best Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) as-a-Service anywhere - now with page-level citations! Absorb tables, PDFs, docs, links, videos or audio clips and use our synthetic data maker to generate FAQs and structured data from noisy, unstructured files. Search 1000s of files with our incredibly fast, hybrid database (finding related concepts OR specific keywords). Summarize results with OpenAI, Gemini or any open-source LLM of your choice. And finally, make informed LLM and synthetic data decisions by evaluating with your own golden data sets.

Here is our Quickstart Guide

Our benefits:

  1. Page level citations to PDFs.
  2. We understand tables and dirty PDFs!
  3. No-code UX with full API support.
  4. Use any LLM model + your own scripts to create synthetic data .
  5. Support for Google docs, sheets, etc + PDF, doc, docx, txt, links, ppt, sheets, xls, wav, mp3, mp4 and mov, including transcription and optional translation from the best speech recognition models.
  6. Links to live documents automatically re-indexed if they change
  7. Use our Golden QnA eval framework to test any workflow (especially useful for testing different embeddings + synthetic data creation prompts)
  8. Hybrid search - search for vectors, keywords or both.
  9. Cloud-based, per-API-call and per-MB pricing.
AI Animation Generator

Create AI-generated Animation without relying on complex CoLab notebooks. Input your prompts + keyframes and bring your ideas to life using the animation capabilities of Gooey & Stable Diffusion's Deforum.

To know more, head to our AI ANIMATION HELP GUIDE!

Compare AI Image Generators

Create multiple AI photos from one prompt using Stable Diffusion (1.5 -> 2.1, Open/Midjourney), DallE, and other models. Find out which AI Image generator works best for your text prompt on comparing OpenAI, Stability.AI etc.

To know more, head over to our AI IMAGE GENERATOR HELP GUIDE!