• Gooey.AI (Dara.network Inc)
  • Manah Wellness Bot : Workplace Mental Health

    Aimed at employee engagement and wellbeing, this bot uses a collection of documents and video transcripts representing best practices from the White Swan Foundation & Manah Wellness repository to answer common questions about mental wellbeing at the workplace. We load these documents + transcripts into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT script below to create an answer to the user's questions.

    ChatGPT (openai)

    📄 Knowledge

    Add documents or links to give your copilot a knowledge base. When asked a question, we'll search them to generate an answer with citations.


    💪 Capabilities

    🦻 Speech Recognition & Translation
    🗣️ Text to Speech & Lipsync

    Google Text-to-Speech

    en-IN-Standard-D (Female)

    Please refer to the list of voice names here

    🫦 Add Lipsync Video
    👩‍🦰 Input Face

    Upload a video or image (with a human face) to lipsync responses. mp4, mov, png, jpg or gif preferred.


    SD, Low-res (~480p), Fast (Rudrabha/Wav2Lip)

    🩻 Photo & Document Intelligence
    🧩 Developer Tools and Functions

    Run cost = 5 credits

    Breakdown: 1 (ChatGPT (openai)) + 3/run + 1 (lipsync)

    By submitting, you agree to Gooey.AI's terms & privacy policy.


    Employers should invest in the mental wellbeing of their employees because it can have a significant impact on employee behavior, engagement, productivity, and loyalty [1] . When employees receive support for their mental health issues, they are better workers, more engaged, motivated, and satisfied with their jobs and employer [2] . Employers can adopt organizational practices such as periodic dipstick surveys, budget coaching for employees, and drive mental health inclusion to ensure that the organizational factors impacting mental health are under control [1] .

    Why should employers invest in the mental wellbeing of their employees?



    How to Use This Recipe

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