• Gooey.AI
  • Wonderchat.io Alternative

    Create customised chatbots from your own docs/PDF/webpages. Just swap out your web page and give your bot some personality. You can then embed this as a webbot, API, WhatsApp, Insta, Facebook or Slack bot.

    ChatGPT (openai)



    💪 Capabilities

    🦻 Speech Recognition & Translation
    🗣️ Text to Speech & Lipsync

    Google Text-to-Speech

    hi-IN-Wavenet-A (Female)

    Please refer to the list of voice names here

    🫦 Add Lipsync Video
    🩻 Photo & Document Intelligence
    🧩 Developer Tools and Functions

    Run cost = 4 credits

    Breakdown: 1 (ChatGPT (openai)) + 3/run

    By submitting, you agree to Gooey.AI's terms & privacy policy.


    Our pricing plans for WonderChat are as follows:

    1. Lite: $49.99 per month

      • Perfect for trying out what AI chatbots can do for you.
    2. Basic: $99.99 per month

      • Flexible enough for small to medium-sized teams.
    3. Turbo: $249.99 per month

      • Ready for large teams with enough room to scale.
    4. Professional: $499.99 per month

      • Perfect for websites with a sizeable amount of users.

    Please note that these prices are subject to change, and it's always a good idea to visit our website for the most up-to-date information on our pricing plans. [1]

    Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with! 😊

    1. wonderchat.io/pricing https://gooey.ai/2/n09z

    What is your pricing plan?

    Generated in 11.3s on 


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