• Gooey.AI
  • Speech Recognition Model Evaluator

    This recipe is used with https://gooey.ai/bulk to evaluate the latest private & open source speech recognition models (from Google, Meta, OpenAI and others). It takes a CSV file of golden (aka human provided) translations and compares those against a set of AI created translations to generate scores from 0 to 1. It then takes the mean of the scores to determine which model performed best.

    Input Data Spreadsheet

    Upload or link to a CSV or google sheet that contains your sample input data.
    For example, for Copilot, this would sample questions or for Art QR Code, would would be pairs of image descriptions and URLs.
    Remember to includes header names in your CSV too.

    Input Data Preview

    Here's what you uploaded:


    Evaluation Prompts

    Specify custom LLM prompts to calculate metrics that evaluate each row of the input data. The output should be a JSON object mapping the metric names to values.
    The columns dictionary can be used to reference the spreadsheet columns.


    Aggregate using one or more operations. Uses pandas.

    Run cost = 10 credits

    By submitting, you agree to Gooey.AI's terms & privacy policy.

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