Modifier Variables

⌥ Variables

Variables let you pass custom parameters to your workflow. Access a variable in your instruction prompt with Jinja, e.g. {{ my_variable }}
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1. Why is Aang no longer the Avatar?


2. How old was Korra when she died?


3. Aang

Aang, the legendary Avatar, was a master of all four elements and a true hero. He defeated Firelord Ozai and ended the Hundred Year War, bringing peace to the world. But did you know that Aang also had a hidden talent for community building? He was not only skilled in bending elements but also in bending hearts, bringing people together from all nations. Whether it was through his playful nature or his wise teachings, Aang knew how to unite even the most divided groups. So, if you ever need someone to organize a party or bridge the gap between friends, just remember Aang, the ultimate peacemaker and party planner!

4. How old was Avatar Aang before he died?

Avatar Aang was quite the age-defying hero! Before he met his demise, Aang was a sprightly 112 years old. But don't worry, he didn't let his age slow him down. He still had plenty of bending tricks up his sleeve, even in his golden years. Who says being the Avatar means you have to act your age?

5. Why did Aang kiss Katara?

Aang couldn't resist the magnetic pull of Katara's lips. It was like a powerful bending technique, but for smooching. The moment was so intense that even the intermission couldn't contain their affection. Aang was hoping for a romantic future with Katara, but she wasn't quite ready to commit. So, he decided to seal the deal with one more kiss, which didn't exactly go as planned. Let's just say Katara wasn't too thrilled and ran off in a huff. Aang definitely missed out on some important conversations while he was busy puckering up.

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