Farmer.CHAT via GPT-4o

Aimed at Indian farmers and Extension Agents, this bot uses a collection of documents and transcripts of 100s of videos representing best practices from the Indian Ministry of Agriculture and Digital Green's video transcripts & FAQs to answer common questions from Indian farmers. We load these documents + transcripts into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions. Chat with Farmer.CHAT on WhatsApp here: More info and technical walkthroughs can be found here too:

GPT-4o (openai)

📄 Knowledge

Add documents or links to give your copilot a knowledge base. When asked a question, we'll search them to generate an answer with citations.



Google Text-to-Speech

hi-IN-Wavenet-A (Female)

Please refer to the list of voice names here

Run cost = 5 credits

Breakdown: 2 (GPT-4o (openai)) + 3/run

By submitting, you agree to Gooey.AI's terms & privacy policy.


To control whiteflies in your chili crop, you can follow these steps:

  1. Eliminate Whiteflies: Use insecticides like cypermethrin, deltamethrin, bifenthrin, diafenthiuron, thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, spiromesifen, buprofezin, cyantraniliprole, spirotetramat, or synthetic terpenes extract of chenopodium [*].

  2. Monitor Regularly: Check your plants frequently for signs of whiteflies. Look under the leaves where they usually hide.

  3. Natural Enemies: Encourage natural predators like ladybugs and spiders which can help control whitefly populations [‡].

  4. Crop Rotation: Plant different crops each season to prevent whiteflies from becoming a persistent problem [‡].

  5. Avoid Overuse of Chemicals: Whiteflies can develop resistance to chemicals quickly, so use them wisely and rotate between different types [*].

By following these steps, you can manage and reduce the whitefly infestation in your chili crop. 🌶️🦟

*. How to control leaf curl in chilli?
‡. Cotton Whitefly

I think my chili crop has whiteflies. What can I do?

Generated in 10.1s on 


How to Use This Recipe

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