• Gooey.AI
  • Ask about how to control Fruit Pests of India

    Add your PDF, Word, HTML or Text docs, train our AI on them with OpenAI embeddings & vector search and then process results with a GPT3 script. This workflow is perfect for anything NOT in ChatGPT: 250-page compliance PDFs, training manuals, your diary, etc.



    Run cost = 2 credits

    Breakdown: 1 (ChatGPT (openai)) + 3/run

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    Based on the provided search results, it is recommended to apply pesticides at specific times depending on the crop and the pests. For example, for fruit trees such as citrus, banana, mango, pomegranate, and sapota, it is suggested to apply preventive sprays 10 days before and soon after the rains[2]. Additionally, specific pesticides are recommended at different stages of crop growth, such as at the panicle initiation stage for certain pests[3]. It's important to follow the specific guidelines for each type of crop and pest. As for the month to buy pesticides, it would depend on the local weather patterns and the specific growth stage of your crops. Always consult with local agricultural experts for the best timing for pesticide application.[2, 3]

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