• Gooey.AI
  • Create a quiz from a PDF

    Add your PDF, Word, HTML or Text docs, train our AI on them with OpenAI embeddings & vector search and then process results with a GPT3 script. This workflow is perfect for anything NOT in ChatGPT: 250-page compliance PDFs, training manuals, your diary, etc.



    Run cost = 2 credits

    Breakdown: 1 (ChatGPT (openai)) + 3/run

    By submitting, you agree to Gooey.AI's terms & privacy policy.

    "quiz_title": "Cassian Andor Fun Facts Quiz",
    "questions": [
    "question": "What was the name of the planet Cassian Andor officially denoted as his origin, instead of revealing the true nature of his childhood?",
    "options": [
    "Planet Fest",
    "Planet Ferrix",
    "Planet Alderaan",
    "Planet Kenari"
    "answer": "Planet Fest"
    "question": "Where were scenes on Ferrix filmed for the production?",
    "options": [
    "Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire",
    "Los Angeles, California",
    "Sydney, Australia",
    "Vancouver, Canada"
    "answer": "Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire"
    "question": "Who described Andor as 'one of the most capable agents within Rebel Intelligence'?",
    "options": [
    "Mon Mothma",
    "Bix Caleen",
    "Arvel Skeen",
    "answer": "Mon Mothma"
    "question": "What did Andor do when he was stopped from returning to his ship by the guards for the Preox-Morlana enforcement division?",
    "options": [
    "Paid them off with credits",
    "Fought and killed one of the guards",
    "Surrendered and was arrested",
    "Convinced them to let him go peacefully"
    "answer": "Fought and killed one of the guards"

    Generated in 3.9s on 


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