• Gooey.AI
  • Search your Docs with GPT

    Add your PDF, Word, HTML or Text docs, train our AI on them with OpenAI embeddings & vector search and then process results with a GPT3 script. This workflow is perfect for anything NOT in ChatGPT: 250-page compliance PDFs, training manuals, your diary, etc.



    Run cost = 2 credits

    Breakdown: 1 (ChatGPT (openai)) + 3/run

    By submitting, you agree to Gooey.AI's terms & privacy policy.

    Paragraph 28A.14 describes the process for calculating the Benchmark Maximum Charges, including allowances for wholesale cost, network cost, policy cost, and the value of CPIHj. If the required information is unavailable at the time of calculation, the Authority may use an alternative source to set the values and will publish the alternative value(s) used to determine the Benchmark Maximum Charge at the same time as publishing the Benchmark Maximum Charges. Additionally, if there is a technical issue preventing the timely publication of these values, they will be published without delay once the issue is resolved[1, 3] .

    Generated in 1.9s on 


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