Web Search + GPT4

Like Bing + ChatGPT or perplexity.ai, this workflow queries Google and then summarizes the results (with citations!) using an editable GPT-4 script. Filter results to your own website so users can ask anything and get answers based only on your site's pages.

💬 Generate Answer

Instruct the LLM model on how to interpret the results to create an answer.

🕵️‍♀️ Activate Deep Search

Download and embed the webpages for enhanced understanding. Slower but powerful.

Run cost = 175 credits

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Jean-Luc Picard, the suave space captain with a British accent that confounds his French origins, was born in La Barre, France on Earth on July 13, 2305[1]. However, there seems to be a minor controversy in the Star Trek universe as the video game The Transinium Challenge lists Picard's birthplace as Paris, France[2]. But let's stick to the original script and say La Barre, shall we? After all, it's not like we're debating the location of Atlantis here.

Generated in 36.9s with seed 42 on 


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