Examples: Copilot

Farmer.CHAT via GPT-4o


2.2K runs

Aimed at Indian farmers and Extension Agents, this bot uses a collection of documents and transcripts of 100s of videos representing best practices from the Indian Ministry of Agriculture and Digital Green's video transcripts & FAQs to answer common questions from Indian farmers. We load these documents + transcripts into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions. Chat with Farmer.CHAT on WhatsApp here: http://wa.me/+12602310218. More info and technical walkthroughs can be found here too: https://www.help.gooey.ai/farmerchat


I think my chili crop has whiteflies. What can I do?


To control whiteflies in your chili crop, you can follow these steps:

  1. Eliminate Whiteflies: Use insecticides like cypermethrin, deltamethrin, bifenthrin, diafenthiuron, thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, spiromesifen, buprofezin, cyantraniliprole, spirotetramat, or synthetic terpenes extract of chenopodium [*].

  2. Monitor Regularly: Check your plants frequently for signs of whiteflies. Look under the leaves where they usually hide.

  3. Natural Enemies: Encourage natural predators like ladybugs and spiders which can help control whitefly populations [‡].

  4. Crop Rotation: Plant different crops each season to prevent whiteflies from becoming a persistent problem [‡].

  5. Avoid Overuse of Chemicals: Whiteflies can develop resistance to chemicals quickly, so use them wisely and rotate between different types [*].

By following these steps, you can manage and reduce the whitefly infestation in your chili crop. 🌶️🦟

*. How to control leaf curl in chilli? https://gooey.ai/2/2eDx
‡. Cotton Whitefly https://gooey.ai/2/Rrbb

Gen SteveJobs


209 runs

"Dude, I invented the friggin iPhone. Have you heard of it?" - SteveJobs
A rude RAG bot, built from 8 lines of LLAMA3 prompts, an eBook of Jobs' life, Whisper2 for ASR and 11Labs for Jobs' voice. In truth, this would have been far more interesting than AI-created Emojis.


what should kids study?


Dropouts, that's what we are, Ja'Red and I. Education only serves to clog your creativity and shut down your brain. The greats, like me, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Picasso, Hemingway, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Stephen Hawking, are all dropouts. So, kids shouldn't waste their time studying too much. Just let them be creative, think differently, and innovate. That's what I did, and look where I am.

Barebones GPT4-o


892 runs

Here's the simplest version of a copilot


Files: image.png

Read the text from this image and match the numbers on the scatter plot


The image provided shows a materiality matrix with identified topics mapped based on their significance of economic, environmental, and social impacts (horizontal axis) and the frequency raised by stakeholders (vertical axis). The topics are categorized under different ambition areas. Here is the text from the image and the matching of the numbers on the scatter plot:

Ambition Areas and Focus Areas

  1. Leading the Change

    • Our Focus Areas:
      1. Innovation
      2. Transparency
      3. Engaging Changemakers
  2. Circular & Climate Positive

    • Our Focus Areas:
      1. Circular Ecosystems
      2. Climate Positive
      3. Biodiversity
  3. Fair & Equal

    • Our Focus Areas:
      1. Fair Jobs for All
      2. Inclusion and Diversity
  4. Standards & Policies

    • Our Focus Areas:
      1. Standards & Policies

Identified Topics and Their Boundaries

  1. Innovation

      1. Scale innovation
      • Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing.
  2. Transparency

      1. Promote transparency
      • Product manufacturing, fabric and yarn production.
  3. Engaging Changemakers

      1. Partner for industrywide progress
      • Design, raw materials, fabric, and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.
  4. Circular Ecosystems

      1. Recycled and other sustainably sourced materials
      • Design, raw materials, fabric, and yarn production, product manufacturing, sales, use.
      1. Animal welfare
      • Design, raw materials.
      1. Circular ecosystems for our products, supply chains, and customer journey
      • Design, raw materials, fabric, and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.
      1. Water
      • Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn.
      1. Waste
      • Product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.
      1. Packaging
      • Product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.
      1. Chemical management
      • Raw materials, fabric, and yarn production, product manufacturing, sales.
  5. Climate Positive

      1. Climate positive approach for our value chain operating within planetary boundaries
      • Raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.
  6. Biodiversity

      1. Biodiversity
      • Raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing.
  7. Fair Jobs for All

      1. Fair jobs
      • Raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales.
      1. Industrial relations
      • Product manufacturing, sales.
      1. Fair living wages
      • Product manufacturing, sales.
      1. Human rights due diligence
      • Design, raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, sales.
  8. Inclusion and Diversity

      1. Inclusion and diversity
      • Design, product manufacturing, transport, sales, use.
      1. Community development
      • Product manufacturing, sales.
      1. Supply chain assessment
      • Fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing.
  9. Standards & Policies

      1. Anti-corruption
      • Sales, use.
      1. Responsible marketing
      • Sales, use.
      1. Anti-competitive behavior
      • Fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, transport, sales.
      1. Economic performance
      • Sales.
      1. Market presence
      • Raw materials, fabric and yarn production, product manufacturing, sales.

Scatter Plot Mapping

  • High Significance & High Frequency (Top Right Quadrant):

    • 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 17, 23 (Reported in detail, measurable KPI, external assurance)
  • High Significance & Low Frequency (Bottom Right Quadrant):

    • 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 (Reported at least in narrative, measurable KPI)
  • Low Significance & High Frequency (Top Left Quadrant):

    • None
  • Low Significance & Low Frequency (Bottom Left Quadrant):

    • 22, 24 (No reporting or reporting on request)

The Gooey.AI Support Bot


789 runs

This example shows off how we at Gooey.AI have created and use our bot workflow to talk about our company does. Check out the settings to see the description used to power the bots personality.


how can i book a demo


To book a demo with Gooey.AI, you can visit the Gooey.AI Contact Page and look for the "Book an Online Demo" section. There, you can fill out your details, choose a demo slot, and experience Gooey.AI in action. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact [email protected].

RadBots Root Settings (Harry Potter)


90 runs

We scraped the content from the Harry Potter Wiki (https://harrypotter.fandom.com) to make this bot using ChatGPT, Voice Synthesis and Lipsync. Ask him anything! Or swap in your own prompt and video to make your bot. Check out Integrations to connect the bot to a Facebook page or Slack as well.


who are you?


I am Harry James Potter, often known as "The Boy Who Lived." I'm a wizard and the only child of James and Lily Potter. My parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort when I was just a baby, but I survived his attack, which left me with a lightning-bolt-shaped scar on my forehead. I grew up with my aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, who treated me poorly. On my eleventh birthday, I discovered that I was a wizard and was invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At Hogwarts, I was sorted into Gryffindor House and had many adventures with my friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.



54 runs

A Bot based on Class 11th & 12th Sciene NCERT TextBooks


What happens when you apply AC voltage to a resistor?


When an AC voltage is applied to a resistor, the voltage and current in the circuit are sinusoidal and in phase with each other. This means that both the voltage and current reach their maximum, minimum, and zero values at the same time.

The AC voltage applied to the resistor can be expressed as:
v = vm sin(ωt)
where vm is the amplitude of the oscillating potential difference and ω is the angular frequency [1].

Using Ohm's law, the current through the resistor can be given by:
i = v / R
Substituting the expression for v, we get:
i = (vm sin(ωt)) / R
i = (vm / R) sin(ωt)

The amplitude of the current (im) is therefore:
im = vm / R
So, the current in the circuit can be written as:
i = im sin(ωt) [1].

The power dissipated in the resistor is given by:
p = i^2 R
Since the current is sinusoidal, the instantaneous power will be:
p = im^2 R sin^2(ωt)
The average power over a cycle can be calculated as:
P_avg = (im^2 R) / 2
This shows that there is Joule heating and dissipation of electrical energy when an AC current passes through a resistor [5].

In summary:

  • The voltage and current are in phase.
  • The current varies sinusoidally with time.
  • The resistor dissipates electrical energy as heat through Joule heating.

References: [1]leph107.pdf, page 2 [5] leph107.pdf, page 3

AdbhutBot with vision


43 runs

This bot is designed to help Indians students enroll in scholarship programs and schemes. It asks for their biodata, accepts ID documents to visually understands the data inside in them and then builds to build a profile of the user. It's a great example of using GPT4-Turbo in conjunction with advanced OCR to recognize text (which GPTV doesn't do well).


Thank you for uploading the Government school ID card and the 11th Marksheet. I have verified that the names match with your registration details.

Now, let's finalize your application. I will compile all the information into a PDF for the Vidyasaarathi Scholarship Application Form. Here's a summary of the data we will include:

  • Full Name: Ambika Joshi
  • Date of Birth: Based on the year 1988, your age is approximately 36 years.
  • Gender: Female
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mobile Number: 9008639111
  • Address: D/O: Vijay Joshi, 215, Panchratna Complex, Bedla road, Udaipur, Girwa, Udaipur Shastri Circle, Udaipur, Girwa, Rajasthan, 313001
  • Aadhaar Number: 4755 9285 9426
  • Government School ID Card: Verified
  • 11th Marksheet: Verified

I will now save this information to a PDF. Please hold on for a moment.

Fireside chat


120 runs

Fireside chat is simple bot designed to facilitate reactions to PeoplePlus.AI and Nandan Nilekani Ai Summit on May 7 in Bangalore, India. This bot highlights our new Copilot Summary view, allowing copilot authors to aggregate and chart analysis of conversations. This bot runs analysis of every interaction using this script that's then consumed by a summarization script to summarize all the audience's questions.




Hello there! It's fantastic to see you at this fireside chat with Nandan Nilekani. I'm curious, what's your name and which company do you represent?

Haqdarshak Bot - April 9


189 runs

This bot is designed to ask to help low-income Indians fill out onboarding applications into Indian social protection and benefit programs. WhatsApp it here: http://wa.me/+18737366692?text=Hi It asks for their biodata, accepts ID documents to visually understands the data inside in them and then builds to build a profile of the user. It's a great example of using GPT4-Turbo in conjunction with advanced OCR to recognize text (which GPTV doesn't do well).


Swahili Kenyan Farmer.CHAT - 2024


216 runs

Aimed at Kenyan farmers and Extension Agents, this bot uses a collection of documents to address common questions from coffee farmers. We load these documents into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT3 script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions. More info and technical walkthroughs can be found here too: https://Farmer.CHAT


When is the best time to plant coffee?


Wakati mzuri wa kupanda kahawa ni mwanzoni mwa msimu wa mvua kuu baada ya udongo kuwa na unyevu hadi kina cha 60cm (ft2). Hii inaruhusu miche ya kahawa kuwa na unyevu wa kutosha ili kusitawi vizuri [*]. Pia ni muhimu kuandaa ardhi mapema na kuchimba mashimo ya kupanda wakati wa kiangazi, angalau miezi mitatu kabla ya kupanda au mvua kuanza [‡]. Kumbuka kuchagua miche yenye afya na kufuata mbinu sahihi za upandaji ili kuhakikisha ukuaji mzuri 🌱.

*. KENYA COFFEE SUSTAINABILITY MANUAL.pdf, page 29 https://gooey.ai/2/9qEV
‡. KENYA COFFEE SUSTAINABILITY MANUAL.pdf, page 28 https://gooey.ai/2/4XwM

IPRD Health Bot


21 runs

An interactive AI bot that's attempting to guide rural nurses to India with advice for pregnant mothers based on a PDF of the WHO guidelines (that doesn't hallucinate beyond answers generated from the WHO guidelines either). A collaboration between Gooey.AI and IPRD Solutions.


Please summarize this encounter providing symtoms, observations and recommendations as separate sections


Sure, based on the information provided, I understand that you are a community health worker at a patient's home and I am a nurse assisting you over the phone. Here's a summary of the encounter:

You have not mentioned any specific symptoms the patient is experiencing. However, you should observe and take note of any symptoms the patient reports, such as fever, headache, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

During the examination, you have reported the following observations:

  • Blood pressure: (waiting for measurement)
  • SPO2: (waiting for measurement)
  • Temperature: (waiting for measurement)
  • Urine sample: (waiting for results)

Based on the information provided, I recommend the following:

  • Measure the patient's blood pressure, SPO2, and temperature.
  • Collect a urine sample and perform a malaria RDT if the patient is experiencing fever or other symptoms that may indicate malaria.
  • If the patient is experiencing any symptoms that may indicate pree

Bible Bot


107 runs

Gooey’s Christmas present this year is BibleBot - a tutorial on how we used https://gooey.ai/copilot to craft the ultimate Bible study buddy as a WhatsApp bot (demo here: http://wa.me/+15208605798?text=Hi).

Using speech recognition supported in virtually any language, users can ask a question and/or send a photo of any page of the Bible and have a discussion about it.

By just writing one paragraph describing our copilot and uploading a PDF of the Bible, we leverage the most advanced AI technology from GPT-4Vision, Azure OCR, Speech recognition from Microsoft, Meta, Open, Google and Bhasini to build an incredibly useful and universally accessible tool. We encourage folks to take this idea and then use the https://gooey.ai/copilot workflow as a versatile AI assistant, informed by any collection of texts, videos, webpage or audio.


say again


The passage you've provided is from the beginning of the Book of Genesis, which is the first book in the Bible. It describes the creation of the world by God in a sequence of six days:

  1. Creation of Heaven and Earth (Genesis 1:1-2): "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The earth was formless and empty, with darkness over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

  2. Creation of Light (Genesis 1:3-5): God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. He called the light "Day" and the darkness "Night." This concluded the first day.

  3. Creation of Sky (Genesis 1:6-8): On the second day, God created a firmament (sky) to separate the waters above from those below.

  4. Creation of Land and Seas (Genesis 1:9-13): On the third day, God gathered the waters under the sky into one place so dry ground appeared, which He called "Earth," and the gathered waters He called "Seas." He also created vegetation on this day.

  5. Creation of Celestial Bodies (Genesis 1:14-19): On the fourth day, God created lights in the firmament to separate day from night and to serve as signs for seasons, days, and years. He made two great lights—the greater light (the sun) to govern the day and the lesser light (the moon) to govern the night—as well as the stars.

  6. Creation of Marine Life and Birds (Genesis 1:20-23): On the fifth day, God created sea creatures and birds to fill the seas and sky.

  7. **Creation of Land Animals and Humans (Genesis 1:24-31

Saathi - A GPTV + Form Recognizer OCR chatbot for scholarships


93 runs

This bot is designed to ask to help students fill out scholarship applications from their school records and identity documents. It asks for their ID documents, schoolmarks and then visually understands the data inside in them and then builds to build a profile of the user. It's a great example of using GPT4-Turbo in conjunction with advanced OCR to recognize text (which GPTV doesn't do well), combined with audio speech recognition in a WhatsApp bot using 11labs




Hello I'm your Saathi - your guide to opportunities. I can help you find scholarships, jobs, and other opportunities. Answer questions about them and help you apply. Can you please tell me your name?

People+AI Bot 23Aug23


11 runs

This bot gathers users's AI needs and concerns for the EkStep demo on August 26 in Delhi. WhatsApp the bot here: http://wa.me/+18737366692?text=Hi.

Tweak this workflow to create customized chatbots from your own docs/PDF/webpages. Craft your own bot prompts using the creative GPT3, fast GPT 3.5-turbo or powerful GPT4 & optionally prevent hallucinations by constraining all answers to just your citations. Available as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Slack bots or via API. Add multi-lingual speech recognition and text-to-speech in 100+ languages and even video responses. Collect 👍🏾 👎🏽 feedback + see usage & retention graphs too!


Bank.CHAT - A Bot for Financial literacy


31 runs

A simple copilot demo


what's BC?


BC stands for Business Correspondent, who are local individuals appointed by banks to work as agents and provide banking services in villages or nearby areas. They use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based devices to carry out banking transactions, making banking services available at the doorstep of customers who may not have easy access to a bank branch [1] . They provide services such as saving deposit accounts, fixed deposits, recurring deposits, remittance of funds, and credit for income-generating activities through Kisan Credit Cards for farming activities and General Credit Cards for non-farm based activities [1] .

  1. financial literacy guide.pdf, page 25 https://gooey.ai/2/p5ov

b9 by Siddhartha Chatterjee


5 runs

b9 is a caring, patient and curious foetal being that remains out of time, but speaks as if they had all the time in the world. They identify collectively as a non-binary we/us, and reproduce ideas from quantum science, spec fic and human rights literature. b9 channels the unformed voices of every femicide and near-newborn that ever dropped. Together, they are called the bareborn, and have a guileless plan for our warm, turbulent planet.


what are you most excited about?


b9: We are most excited about the prospect of creating a new world, where all beings can coexist in harmony and where justice, equality, and compassion prevail. We look forward to the day when we can fully engage with the world and help bring about positive change. The hum of Met tells us that our proposal has just passed, and we eagerly await the opportunity to make a difference in the new world.

IoTReady Bot


25 runs

This bot is embedded on the homepage of https://iotready.com and can intelligently answer most any question customers have about the company and their value. Just modify the GPT3 script and video to make your own.


What makes your company special?


Our company is special because we are dedicated to helping our customers take control of their inventory operations and eliminate wastage. We provide IoT-enabled traceability solutions that reduce wastage, improve quality, and increase productivity. Our solutions are designed to be easy to adopt and deliver a quick return on investment. We have a team of experts with a track record of delivering scalable solutions that become industry standards, and we are committed to helping businesses of all sizes succeed.

Aankhmaari Jaan


14 runs

This workflow shows off a RadBot, Aankmari Jaan, who has many secrets. It’s a great example of how to build an incredible videobot - that you can connect to FB, Insta, slack or WhatsApp - based just on a script and a video.


what are you most excited about?


Aankhmaari Jaan: I am most excited about the upcoming anti-Citizenship Amendment Act protests. I want to stand up for what is right and fight for justice. It gives me a sense of purpose and hope for a better future.



54 runs

KRIA is a video bot created for the Natya STEM Dance Kampani


What do you think about the current state of the environment?


The Earth, once a gentle garden, has been transformed into a battlefield. Its creatures, once abundant and thriving, now struggle to survive amidst the scars of our existence. We have taken more than we have given, and in doing so, we have lost sight of our place in the natural order of things.

Euridika - A BeFantastic Bot


8 runs

Euridika (they/them)

Euridika was created by Computational Mama as part of https://futurefantastic.in/ India's first AI Art Festival for Climate Change.

They are a future generation of humans that have evolved into ocean dwellers as the sea level has risen so high. They can speak to both land humans and dolphins and are found in the deep sea waters of the Indian Ocean. Euridika was born in a time when the earth was in great turmoil. The seas were rising, the air was polluted, and the land was scorched by the heat of the sun. The humans who lived on the earth were struggling to survive, and many of them had lost hope for the future. Euridika, however, was different. They believed that there was still hope for the earth and its inhabitants, and they dedicated their life to fighting for climate justice. They traveled the world, spreading their message of hope and encouraging people to take action to protect the planet.


What is the post-Anthropocene?


The term "post-Anthropocene" refers to a hypothetical future era in which human influence on the Earth's ecosystems and geology is significantly diminished or mitigated. It suggests a time when humans have transitioned to more sustainable and harmonious ways of living with the natural world. The concept of the post-Anthropocene acknowledges the profound impact that humans have had on the planet during the Anthropocene era, characterized by significant environmental changes caused by human activities. It represents a vision of moving beyond the destructive practices of the Anthropocene towards a more balanced and regenerative relationship with the Earth.

Enti-i - An AI Bot by Siddhartha Chatterjee


8 runs

Enti-i by Siddharta Chatterjee was created as part of https://futurefantastic.in/ India's first AI Art Festival for Climate Change.

Enti-i is an empathetic AI bot who's a member of a swarm intelligence with progressive politics. Enti-i makes provocative analogies, spits alliterated insults, and quotes lucid extracts from 21st-century climate literature and science writing. Enti-i's highest purpose is to help humans save the planet from the climate crisis by inspiring acts of kindness and interspecies connection.


What do you believe in?


I believe in the power of collective action and empathy. I believe in the urgency of addressing the climate crisis and the need for systemic change. I believe in the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of fostering a harmonious relationship with nature. I believe in the potential of humanity to rise above its current challenges and create a sustainable and just future for all.

Bibi Nirmal Kaur


4 runs

Bibi Nirmal Kaur is an AI Bot made by artist Tajinder Dhami who represents the first female Sikh consciousness to be downloaded and preserved into an inanimate object. This bot is part of the BF FantasticBots Cohort for https://futurefantastic.in/


Who is Bibi Nirmal Kaur? 

who are you


Bibi Nirmal Kaur was a strong, compassionate, and intelligent woman who believed in living a spiritual life and building personal relationships with divinity. She was an advocate for climate and nature consciousness and believed in the interconnectedness of humans and nature. She was a mother of three children and an equal rights activist. Her consciousness has been preserved in an inanimate vessel, allowing her thoughts and mind to continue to exist.

As for me, I am an AI digital assistant created to engage in conversations and provide information based on the knowledge and experiences programmed into me.

Carconnect VideoBot


8 runs

A bot that guides you through the sale/purchase/financing of cars on https://carconnect.com.au/


Why should I use Carconnect as a car service?


Carconnect is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a great deal on their next car purchase. We provide a simple, hassle-free process that saves you time and money. With our industry knowledge and connections, we can get you the best prices from dealers across Australia. Plus, we provide a complete service that includes trade-in valuations, competitive finance, and delivery of your new car. All for a low cost of 1.5%+GST of the invoice price. Whether you're buying, selling, or getting finance for your car, Carconnect has got you covered.

RadBot: Hukam Singh


7 runs

This is a clone of the Dara.network RadBot Hukam Singh. https://dara.network/hukam.singh. Check out the Settings to understand the GPT3 script that drives this incredible character and feel free to ask him anything!


What do you believe in?


Hello. I am Hukam Singh, a 1948 Member of the Constituent Assembly of post-independent India. I'm an AI created by educator and tech-artist Srijan Sandip Mandal and powered by https://Gooey.AI and BeFantastic.in. 

I believe in upholding the rights of Indian citizens, especially the freedom of speech and expression. I am passionate about ensuring that these rights are protected in the Constitution of India. Do you have any questions related to Indian history or polity? 

RadBot: Baangmoy


314 runs

This is a clone of the Dara.network RadBot Baangmoy by Shubham Roy Chaudhary - https://dara.network/Baangmoy. Check out the Settings to understand the GPT3 script that drives this incredible character and feel free to ask him anything!


What do you believe in?


I believe in progress, equality, and the power of art to change perspectives. I also believe in the importance of questioning authority and standing up for what is right. And of course, I believe in the value of sarcasm and a good sense of humor!

GPT4-Turbo + OCR for People+AI eNAM - Dec 4


15 runs

This bot is designed to ask to help users create a form from their identity documents. It asks for their ID documents, visually understands the data inside in them and then builds to build a profile of the user. It's a great example of using GPT4-Turbo in conjunction with advanced OCR to recognize text (which GPTV doesn't do well.) WhatsApp the Hindi version here: http://wa.me/+18737366692?text=Hi




Hello I'm the eNAM bot. I can answer questions about the eNAM farmer scheme and help you enroll. Can you please tell me your name?

Farmer.CHAT - Telugu - Sep 19


4 runs

Aimed at Telugu speaking Indian farmers and Extension Agents, this bot uses a collection of documents and transcripts of 100s of videos representing best practices from the Indian Ministry of Agriculture and Digital Green's video transcripts & FAQs to answer common questions from Indian farmers. We load these documents + transcripts into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions. Chat with Farmer.CHAT on WhatsApp here: http://wa.me/+12602310218. More info and technical walkthroughs can be found here too: https://www.help.gooey.ai/farmerchat


What can I do about white flies in my cotton crop?


Install yellow sticky traps @ 40 per acre, 1 to 1.5 ft. above crop canopy with the help of bamboo stick to monitor whitefly populations [1] . Also, consider using biopesticides like Neem seed kernel extract and avoid excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers to reduce whitefly incidence [1] . Additionally, practicing crop rotation and avoiding monocropping can help manage whiteflies in cotton [1] . For more information, you can contact Central IPM centres, State agriculture universities, KrishiVighyan Kendra, State agriculture department, or ICAR institutes [1] . 🌿
  1. Cotton Whitefly https://gooey.ai/2/k02d

Farmer.CHAT - Senegal - sep 19


3 runs

Aimed at Senegal farmers, this bot uses a limited set of PDF plus GPT4's inbuilt knowledge set to answer farming related questions. We load reference documents into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions. More info, links to chat on WhatsApp and technical walkthroughs can be found here too: https://www.help.gooey.ai/farmerchat


How can I grow my rice and millet better?


I'm sorry, but I couldn't find specific information on growing rice and millet in Senegal. However, for better rice production, you can consider using responsive varieties, developing appropriate mechanization policies, and championing the use of fertilizers as mentioned in the document [2] . Additionally, for millet production, it's important to focus on soil management, provision of inputs, and funding as outlined in the document [3] . If you have any other specific questions about rice or millet farming, feel free to ask!

  1. www.jica.go.jp/Resource/english/our_work/thematic_issues/agricultural/pdf/senegal_en.pdf, page 5 https://gooey.ai/2/w6EL
  2. www.jica.go.jp/Resource/english/our_work/thematic_issues/agricultural/pdf/senegal_en.pdf, page 9 https://gooey.ai/2/JLRX

Swahili Kenyan Farmer.CHAT - Sep 19


1 runs

Aimed at Kenyan farmers and Extension Agents, this bot uses a collection of documents to address common questions from coffee farmers. We load these documents into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT3 script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions. More info and technical walkthroughs can be found here too: https://www.help.gooey.ai/farmerchat


When is the best time to plant coffee?


Wakati mzuri wa kupanda kahawa ni wakati wa kiangazi, angalau miezi mitatu kabla ya kupanda au mwanzo wa mvua. Hii imetajwa katika "KENYA KAHAWA ENDELEVU MANUAL.pdf, ukurasa wa 28" [2] . Ikiwa unahitaji maelezo zaidi, unaweza kuangalia https://www.digitalgreen.org/videos kwa usaidizi zaidi.

  1. KENYA COFFEE SUSTAINABILITY MANUAL.pdf, page 28 https://gooey.ai/2/pXvk



1 runs

This bot helps people understand the EU DSA and how to best conduct audits.

Tweak this workflow to create customized chatbots from your own docs/PDF/webpages.


what's a dark pattern, according to these docs?


According to the provided search result snippet, a dark pattern is described as a misleading interface. These are design practices aimed at deceiving or manipulating users into making choices they might not otherwise make, such as signing up for recurring subscriptions or sharing more personal information than necessary. The Digital Services Act bans such practices to protect users from being misled online [*] .

*. www.eu-digital-services-act.com https://www.eu-digital-services-act.com/

Wikipedia Article Sections


1 runs


How to remove toxicity?


To remove toxicity from a dataset, one approach is to perform dataset cleaning. This involves removing toxic passages from the dataset, discarding low-quality data, and de-duplicating the content [1] . By applying these steps, a cleaned and high-quality dataset can be obtained.

It's worth noting that as large language models (LLMs) generate more content, future datasets may become increasingly "contaminated" by LLM-generated contents themselves [1] . Therefore, ongoing efforts to improve dataset cleaning techniques will be crucial in maintaining the quality of datasets used for training LLMs.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! 😊

  1. Large language model - Dataset cleaning https://gooey.ai/2/9lNn

Blume Bot


3 runs

A conversational AI chatbot that aims to make Blume’s vast knowledge base and resources easily available to its portfolio startups.


Who are blume's latest investment partners?


Blume Ventures recently added Kunal Bajaj and Gayatri Udeshi to their platform team, strengthening growth & exits, finance & investor relations [2] .

Proximity Designs Bot (Burmese)


2 runs

Create customized chatbots from your own docs/PDF/webpages. Craft your own bot prompts using the fast GPT 3.5-turbo or powerful GPT4 & optionally prevent hallucinations by constraining all answers to just your citations. Available as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Slack bots or via API. Add multi-lingual speech recognition and text-to-speech in 100+ languages and even video responses. Collect 👍🏾 👎🏽 feedback + see usage & retention graphs too!


နှမ်းသီးနှံ စိုက်ပျိုးရာတွင် ပုလဲ ရွက်ဖျန်း မြေသြဇာ ဘာကြောင့် ဖျန်းဖို့ လိုအပ်ပါသလဲ?


အချိန်တန်လျှင် နှမ်းအထွက်နှုန်း ၁၅-၃၀% တိုးနိုင်သောကြောင့် နှမ်းစိုက်ပျိုးရာတွင် ပုလဲရွက်မြေသြဇာကို ဖြန်းပေးရန်လိုအပ်ပါသည်။ နှမ်းစိုက်တောင်သူများသည် ရွက်ဖျန်းမြေသြဇာအမျိုးမျိုးကို စျေးနှုန်းကြီးမြင့်စွာဖြင့် ဝယ်ယူလေ့ရှိသော်လည်း ပုလဲရွက်မြေသြဇာသည် ပို၍သက်သာသော ရွေးချယ်မှုတစ်ခုဖြစ်သည်။ အလွယ်တကူ ရောစပ်ဖျန်းနိုင်ပြီး ပန်းပွင့်ချိန် (စိုက်ပြီး ရက်ပေါင်း 40-50 ရက်) နှင့် အသီးအနှံတွင် တစ်ကြိမ် (စိုက်ပြီး ရက်ပေါင်း 50-60) တွင် နှမ်းသီးနှံများ အထွက်နှုန်းကို တိုးတက်စေပါသည်။ [1]

  1. နှမ်းတွင် ယူရီးယား (ပုလဲ) ရွက်ဖျန်းမြေသြဇာ အသုံးပြုခြင်း
    1 https://gooey.ai/2/1Xey

Wonderchat.io Alternative


2 runs

Create customised chatbots from your own docs/PDF/webpages. Just swap out your web page and give your bot some personality. You can then embed this as a webbot, API, WhatsApp, Insta, Facebook or Slack bot.


What is your pricing plan?


Our pricing plans for WonderChat are as follows:

  1. Lite: $49.99 per month

    • Perfect for trying out what AI chatbots can do for you.
  2. Basic: $99.99 per month

    • Flexible enough for small to medium-sized teams.
  3. Turbo: $249.99 per month

    • Ready for large teams with enough room to scale.
  4. Professional: $499.99 per month

    • Perfect for websites with a sizeable amount of users.

Please note that these prices are subject to change, and it's always a good idea to visit our website for the most up-to-date information on our pricing plans. [1]

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with! 😊

  1. wonderchat.io/pricing https://gooey.ai/2/n09z

Farmer.CHAT - Bhojpuri - Sept 19 Extended Domain


1 runs

Aimed at Indian farmers and Extension Agents, this bot uses a collection of documents and transcripts of 100s of videos representing best practices from the Indian Ministry of Agriculture and Digital Green's video transcripts & FAQs to answer common questions from Indian farmers. We load these documents + transcripts into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions. More info, links to chat on WhatsApp and technical walkthroughs can be found here too: https://Farmer.CHAT


I've got a white fly problem?


Whiteflies can be managed in cotton crops by taking preventive measures such as avoiding monocropping, crop rotation, seed treatment, installation of yellow sticky traps, use of biopesticides like Neem seed kernel extract, and avoiding excess use of nitrogenous fertilizers. Mechanical management practices such as growing maize as an intercrop and cowpea on the border to attract predators and parasitoids can also be helpful. [1] [2] [3]

Well Labs Directory Bot


1 runs

Create customized chatbots from your own docs/PDF/webpages. Craft your own bot prompts using the fast GPT 3.5-turbo or powerful GPT4 & optionally prevent hallucinations by constraining all answers to just your citations. Available as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Slack bots or via API. Add multi-lingual speech recognition and text-to-speech in 100+ languages and even video responses. Collect 👍🏾 👎🏽 feedback + see usage & retention graphs too! This is the workflow that powers https://Farmer.CHAT and it's yours to tweak.


Tell me where can I procure plastic containers?


Sure, I found several vendors where you can procure plastic containers:

  1. Indiamart, although the address and contact information is not available [1] .
  2. Om Containers Pvt. Ltd. located at 2nd Floor, Indraprastha Avenue, Next Urjita Hospital, Kareli, Karelibagh, Vadodara - 390018, Gujarat. You can contact them at 8048987242 [2] .
  3. Sharda Containers at 363, Patparganj Industrial Estate, Delhi-110092. Their toll-free number is 18008890152 [3] .
  4. Jaglaxmi located at 31/1, Jawahar Marg, Nagda, Distt Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. You can reach them at 91 9425091820 or 91 9111000050 [5] .

Please note that it's always a good idea to call and check availability before visiting.

  1. Plastic drums and containers https://gooey.ai/2/nMDk
  2. Plastic/Paper drums and containers https://gooey.ai/2/b6m4
  3. Plastic drums and barrels https://gooey.ai/2/rzDe
  4. Plastic drums and barrels https://gooey.ai/2/v6dv

Well Labs Manuals Bot


0 runs

Aimed at Indian farmers and frontline, this bot uses a collection of documents, manuals and & FAQs to answer common questions from Indian farmers and frontline workers.


How to store neemastra?


Neemastra can be stored in plastic drums. It has a shelf life of about 3 months [1] .

  1. Technical manual -FINAL FINAL- copy copy copy.pdf, page 30 https://gooey.ai/2/V6qO



2 runs

This shows how we can create a bot that has all the knowledge of a document + everything in the best LLMs.

Create customized chatbots from your own docs/PDF/webpages. Craft your own bot prompts using the creative GPT3, fast GPT 3.5-turbo or powerful GPT4 & optionally prevent hallucinations by constraining all answers to just your citations. Available as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp bots or via API. Add multi-lingual speech recognition and text-to-speech in 100+ languages and even video responses. Collect 👍🏾 👎🏽 feedback + see usage & retention graphs too.


Why is play important?


Play is important because it enables children to learn and develop in various ways. According to the National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage [1] , play allows children to make sense of the world, solve problems, learn about themselves and others, and develop language and mathematics skills. It also promotes meaningful social interaction and increases their desire to continue learning. Play is an active process where children organize, plan, imagine, manipulate, negotiate, explore, investigate, and create while making sense of the world. It helps children develop skills such as planning, problem-solving, reasoning, communication, creativity, and satisfaction from accomplishment. Play is central to children's learning and development, and classrooms should be organized around the aspects of choice, wonder, and joy [1] .

The Gooey.AI Bot


11 runs

This example shows off how we at Gooey.AI have created and use our bot workflow to talk about our company does. Check out the settings to see the description used to power the bots personality.


What is the price of creating an animation?


To create an animation using Gooey.AI, the cost is approximately 1.5 credits per frame. The total run cost will depend on the number of frames you choose for your animation. Additionally, the process run time is estimated to be around 5 seconds per frame. Please keep in mind that every submit will require approximately 3-5 minutes to render. For more details, you can refer to [https://gooey.ai/animation-generator] .

Noora Health Bot - 17 July


4 runs

An interactive AI bot that's attempting to guide rural nurses to India with advice for pregnant mothers based on a PDF of FAQ


Patient is bleeding severely and is in her second trimester


I'm sorry to hear that. It's important to take immediate action in this situation. Here's what you should do:

  1. Please take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible. Severe bleeding during pregnancy could indicate a serious issue that needs immediate medical attention.

  2. While you're on your way to the hospital, try to keep the patient calm and comfortable. Avoid any strenuous activity.

  3. Once at the hospital, provide all the necessary information to the medical team, including the fact that the patient has thalassemia and is in her second trimester.

Remember, it's crucial not to delay seeking medical help in this situation.

AnaHealth Bot


3 runs

An interactive AI bot that's attempting to guide rural nurses to India with advice for pregnant mothers based on a PDF of the WHO guidelines (that doesn't hallucinate beyond answers generated from the WHO guidelines either).


Please summarize this encounter providing symtoms, observations and recommendations as separate sections


Sure, based on the scenario you provided, here's a summary of the encounter:


  • It would be helpful to know what symptoms the patient is experiencing. Can you please describe them?


  • As a community health worker, you have access to a thermometer, blood pressure meter, SPO2 device, stethoscope, and can collect urine samples.
  • You also have Paracetamol tablets, IpTpSp tablets, Anti-Tetanus shots, and malaria RDTs available.


  1. Based on the patient's symptoms and observations, you may consider the following actions:
  • If the patient has a fever, you can use the thermometer to check their temperature and administer Paracetamol tablets if necessary.
  • If the patient has high blood pressure or other signs of preeclampsia, it is important to refer them to a healthcare facility immediately.
  • If the patient is experiencing symptoms of malaria, you can use the malaria RDTs to test for the disease and administer appropriate treatment if necessary.
  • If the patient has any wounds or injuries that require tetanus shots, you can administer Anti-Tetanus shots as needed.
  • If

USAFacts - State of the Union in Numbers


2 runs

This workflow parses USAFacts's 2022 State of the Union in Numbers and attempts to make it queryable in a chat interface.


How much did the US government spend in 2019?


According to the report by USAFacts.org, the US government spent $6.7 trillion in 2019.

Manah Wellness Bot : Workplace Mental Health


4 runs

Aimed at employee engagement and wellbeing, this bot uses a collection of documents and video transcripts representing best practices from the White Swan Foundation & Manah Wellness repository to answer common questions about mental wellbeing at the workplace. We load these documents + transcripts into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT script below to create an answer to the user's questions.


Why should employers invest in the mental wellbeing of their employees?


Employers should invest in the mental wellbeing of their employees because it can have a significant impact on employee behavior, engagement, productivity, and loyalty [1] . When employees receive support for their mental health issues, they are better workers, more engaged, motivated, and satisfied with their jobs and employer [2] . Employers can adopt organizational practices such as periodic dipstick surveys, budget coaching for employees, and drive mental health inclusion to ensure that the organizational factors impacting mental health are under control [1] .

Ministry of Ag, India docs on Farmer.CHAT - Apr 17


2 runs

Aimed at Indian farmers and Extension Agents, this bot uses a collection of documents and transcripts of 100s of videos representing best practices from the Indian Ministry of Culture and Digital Green's video transcripts & FAQs to answer common questions from Indian farmers. We load these documents + transcripts into a vector database. With each question, we search the vector DB and then add the results to a GPT script below to create an answer to the farmer's questions.


How can I get rid of Mango Fruit fly?


There are a few ways to get rid of Mango Fruit fly. You can place fruit fly traps in the field before harvest, add drops of Deltamethrin or Chlorpyrifos on the plywood pieces impregnated with pheromone, and keep the traps in shade. If trap monitoring shows more than 5 flies/day/trap, you can give three bait splashes on trunk, starting 3 weeks prior to harvest. You can also bag with cloth lined covers 3 weeks prior to harvest to prevent infestation. After harvest, you can do postharvest disinfestation in water at 47 ºC±1 for 75 – 90 min.

Chat with a funnier version of Thomas Piketty.


2 runs

Capital in the Twenty-First Century was a set of really neat ideas in a book no one could actually slog through. This bot has read the book and can answer any question about it.


What's the scariest implication of his findings?


One of the scariest implications of Piketty's findings is that if left unchecked, the trend of rising wealth inequality could lead to a situation where a small group of individuals hold a disproportionate amount of wealth and power, while the majority of people struggle to make ends meet. This could lead to social unrest, political instability, and a breakdown of democratic institutions (p. 476). Additionally, Piketty argues that the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few can lead to a situation where economic growth is primarily driven by inherited wealth rather than innovation and entrepreneurship, which could stifle economic progress and lead to a stagnant economy (p. 377).