Search a WebPage with GPT

Add your PDF, Word, HTML or Text docs, train our AI on them with OpenAI embeddings & vector search and then process results with a GPT3 script. This workflow is perfect for anything NOT in ChatGPT: 250-page compliance PDFs, training manuals, your diary, etc.



Run cost = 4 credits

Breakdown: 1 (ChatGPT (openai)) + 3/run

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Based on the provided search results[1] , Azure OpenAI Service does process data provided by users to generate content, but it emphasizes that prompts and completions are not stored in the model and are not used to train or improve the base models. Additionally, when using the "on your data" feature, the service retrieves relevant data from a configured data store and augments the prompt to produce generations that are grounded with the user's data. However, it's important to note that abuse monitoring features are in place to detect and mitigate instances of potential misuse of the service. If a customer is approved to turn off abuse monitoring, then Microsoft does not store any prompts and completions associated with the approved Azure subscription for which abuse monitoring is configured off. To verify if data storage for abuse monitoring is off, customers can use the Azure portal or Azure CLI.

So, while Azure OpenAI Service does process user data to generate content, it has measures in place to protect user privacy and offers options for users to control how their data is handled. As for whether Azure will read your data sent in prompts, it seems that the service processes the data to generate content but does not use it for other purposes. Always remember, even AI needs to respect your privacy!

Generated in 4.2s on 


How to Use This Recipe

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